03/06/2025, 07:52 AM UTC
AMD:增长与估值的有趣组合AMD: Interesting Combination Of Growth And Valuation
1. AMD股价从211美元下跌至99美元似乎过甚;2.华尔街分析师保持乐观,而Seeking Alpha分析师则表现出更为温和的乐观态度;3.AMD的业务多元化,包括数据中心、客户端、游戏和嵌入式部分,其中数据中心最有潜力;4.财务状况良好,AMD预计收入和每股收益将实现高双位数增长;5.公允价值估计为129.1美元,暗示有30%的上涨空间。1. AMD's stock decline from $211 to $99 seems excessive; 2. Wall Street analysts remain bullish, while Seeking Alpha analysts offer more moderate optimism; 3. AMD's diversified business includes Data Center, Client, Gaming, and Embedded segments, with Data Center showing the most promise; 4. Financially strong, AMD expects high double-digit growth in revenue and EPS; 5. Fair Value estimated at $129.1, suggesting a 30% upside.---