07/11/2024, 01:18 PM UTC
迈来芯在马来西亚开设全球最大晶圆测试厂Melexis opens Malaysian wafer testing site
1、比利时无晶圆厂汽车IC公司迈来芯在马来西亚古晋开设了其全球最大的晶圆测试厂。2、该设施配备90台半导体晶圆测试设备,战略性地位于X-FAB晶圆代工厂附近,以简化物流并减少生态足迹。3、这座4500平方米的建筑融入了太阳能装置等可持续性特征,体现了迈来芯对创新和可持续发展的承诺。1. Melexis, a Belgian auto IC fabless company, has opened its largest wafer testing site in Kuching, Malaysia. 2. The facility, equipped with 90 semiconductor wafer test equipments, is strategically located next to X-FAB's wafer foundry to streamline logistics and reduce ecological footprint. 3. The 4,500 square metre building incorporates sustainable features such as a solar installation, reflecting Melexis' commitment to innovation and sustainability.