08/15/2024, 01:15 PM UTC
美国NIST发布后量子密码学标准US NIST publishes post-quantum cryptography standards
➀ 美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)发布了世界上首批三个后量子密码学标准,其中包括两个由IBM开发的算法。➁ 这些标准旨在保护加密数据免受量子计算机潜在的网络攻击。➂ IBM还在开发其他算法以供未来标准化,继续致力于使世界量子安全。➀ The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published the world's first three post-quantum cryptography standards, including two algorithms developed by IBM. ➁ These standards aim to protect encrypted data from potential cyberattacks using quantum computers. ➂ IBM is also developing additional algorithms for future standardization, continuing its efforts to make the world quantum-safe.