01/12/2025, 03:15 PM UTC
长期护理保险灾难:保费上涨高达271%The Long-Term Care Insurance Debacle -- Premiums Increase As Much As 271%
1、退休人员需要为长期护理的扩展需求做好规划。2、许多退休人员转向长期护理保险政策以减轻这一风险。3、然而,一些保单持有人发现保费大幅上涨,在某些情况下甚至高达271%。1. The need for extended long-term care is a concern for retirees to plan for. 2. Many retirees turn to long-term care insurance policies to mitigate this risk. 3. However, some policyholders are discovering that the premiums are increasing significantly, up to 271% in some cases.---