12/17/2024, 12:00 PM UTC
神谷英樹表示,留在PlatinumGames会扼杀他的“艺术精神”Hideki Kamiya claims staying at PlatinumGames would’ve killed his “artistic spirit”
➀ 神谷英樹解释了他离开PlatinumGames并回到Capcom和《奥米克拉斯》的原因;➁ 他表示在PlatinumGames工作会压抑他的艺术精神;➂ 他强调了自己对创意的重视以及在工作中需要创意自由。➀ Hideki Kamiya explains his departure from PlatinumGames and return to Capcom and Okami; ➁ He expresses concerns about his artistic spirit being stifled at PlatinumGames; ➂ He emphasizes his focus on creativity and the need for creative freedom in his work.---