07/30/2024, 01:00 PM UTC
美光推出采用276层NAND技术的2650 SSDMicron unveils 2650 SSD with 276-layer NAND technology
1、美光宣布推出2650客户端SSD,采用276层3D NAND技术,标志着其第9代3D闪存产品。2、该SSD提供PCIe gen 4接口和256 GB至1 TB的容量,声称具有同类最佳性能。3、美光的276层NAND拥有业界最快的IO速度,达到3.6 GBps,在读写带宽方面显著超越竞争对手。1. Micron announces the 2650 client SSD, featuring 276-layer 3D NAND, marking its 9th generation of 3D flash. 2. The SSD offers a PCIe gen 4 interface and capacities from 256 GB to 1 TB, claiming best-in-class performance. 3. Micron's 276-layer NAND boasts the industry's fastest IO speed at 3.6 GBps, significantly outperforming competitors in read and write bandwidth.---
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